Linux 4.18.0-553.5.1.lve.1.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Jun 14 15:38:45 UTC 2024 x86_64
  SOFT : Apache PHP : 7.4.33

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Benefect Botanical Decon 30 – KAM

Benefect Botanical Decon 30


Benefect Botanical Decon 30 – Gallon

Fast & Effective

A new innovative one-step disinfectant cleaner specially formulated for the needs of water damage restoration.

  • • Light Scent
  • • Economical Price!
  • • Kills 99.999% of bacteria in 30 seconds!

Uses the same proprietary Botanical Active Ingredient Benefect is known for.

Typical disinfectants require 10 minutes contact time, which is difficult to achieve on vertical surfaces and materials. New Decon 30 solves this problem by being specially formulated to kill gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria with a more realistic contact time of just 30 seconds!

Restoration professionals face many real-world situations where, according to the EPA, typical hard surface disinfectants may not be appropriate. From porous walls and wood framing to concrete and carpets. New Decon 30 effectively eliminates odors produced by odor-causing fungi, bacteria & other odor-causing organisms on porous and non-porous surfaces.

Decon 30 combines powerful botanical cleaning surfactants with the proven killing ability of Benefect Disinfectant to clean and disinfect in one easy step! This makes Decon 30 ideally suited for general decontamination of remediation sites, equipment and contents.

Ideal for decontamination, preventing cross-contamination, cleaning, disinfecting and deodorizing in water damage applications.

No synthetic chemicals

No label warnings or precautionary statements

No PPE required

No evacuation of building occupants required

No rinsing or wiping required, even on food contact surfaces

Dilution Ratios: RTU RTU pH: n/a Contains: 1 gallon

Download Datasheet